Your Audiobook

How to Sell Audiobooks Everywhere

For over a decade, listenership for audiobooks has grown exponentially. As a result, creating and selling an audiobook is quickly becoming the standard. We offer the world’s widest distribution network, and our easy-to-use platform helps you reach listeners and maximize earnings without exclusivity agreements. Register today and unlock your audiobook’s potential!

Audiobook Distribution in 5 Easy Steps

Join the world’s widest independent audiobook distribution network!

Step 1

Upload Your Audiobook

Upload Your Audiobook

If you have an MP3 file that meets our audiobook requirements, you can upload your audiobook, metadata, and cover art to your free account. Don’t have an audiobook ready? Our creation tools can help transform your eBook or manuscript into a high-quality audiobook.

Knowing Your Audience

If you’re in the process of writing your eBook or audiobook manuscript, it can help to know who your listeners are. While many avid readers enjoy listening to audiobooks, the audience extends beyond traditional readers. Podcast listeners make up a large portion of the audiobook market, as do people looking for stories to enjoy while multitasking on a project or commuting between work and home.

Set Your Price

Instead of using a blanket pricing system, you can set your own MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) for your titles. Control your publishing journey, and set prices based on what works best for you. Please note: Since some audiobook retailers control pricing based on length, we can’t guarantee that your MSRP will be offered through every sales channel.

What’s the Right Pricing for an Audiobook?

The short answer is, there is no “right” pricing to sell your audiobook. Whatever works best for you is the correct price, though there are some guidelines that distributors like Audible recommend. While we recommend $1.50 to $3.00 per hour, platforms like Audible suggest:

  • Under 1 hour: $7 or less
  • 1 - 3 hours: $7 - $10
  • 3 - 5 hours: $10 - $20
  • 5 - 10 hours: $15 - $25
  • 10 - 20 hours: $20 - $30
  • 20+ hours: $25 - $30

Step 2

Set Your Price

Step 3

Choose Your Distribution Channels

Choose Your Distribution Channels

At Author’s Republic, our authors and publishers can choose where to distribute their audiobooks. It’s your choice to sell on Audible, Spotify, Apple, and the rest of our network of 50+ retail, library, and streaming platforms and channels around the globe. Tap into the widest distribution platform and earn up to 25% more by selling audiobooks through our network.

What is the Best Way to Sell Audiobooks?

At Author’s Republic, we believe selling to a wide distribution network with no exclusivity is key. Therefore, distributing your audiobook to all retailers, including music channels, libraries, and more, offers the most advantages and potential for growth. Check out our list of Sales Channel Partners to see where your audiobook will be available.

Get Approval of Your Audiobook

Our expert team will review your audiobook, making sure it meets the correct audio requirements. Once approved, we will distribute your title to our wide sales network so your audiobook reaches listeners across the globe.

A Note on the Approval Process

Each retailer, platform, and channel has their own criteria for approval, meaning that it can take as few as 5 days or as many as 60 for your audiobook to go live on any one platform.

Step 4

Get Approval of Your Audiobook

Step 5

Distribute and Earn Royalties

Distribute and Earn Royalties

Sell your audiobook to over 50 channels worldwide, including Audible, Apple, Spotify, Google, Hoopla, and many more. By using our audiobook distribution platform, your title will reach a wide sales network, so you earn more. You’ll receive one monthly payment for royalties collected across all sales channels.

Ready to Distribute Your Audiobook?

Author’s Republic provides a wide network that can spread your story around the world. We’ve fine-tuned and simplified the audiobook distribution process, so you can sell on Audible, Spotify, Apple, and more without exclusivity contracts. Through our platform, tap into a global network of retailers, libraries, and streaming services, and take advantage of our helpful resources and support along the way.