Why Us?

We help authors, publishers, and rights holders produce audiobooks and get them onto more platforms and in front of more listeners in the easiest way possible.

Here’s what sets us apart:

Entirely Independent and Open Platform

The Widest Distribution Available

With 50+ distribution channels and counting, we offer new and well-known authors the widest global network available. We’re always building new partnerships to ensure your audiobook reaches more platforms and more listeners globally.

Entirely Independent and Open Platform

Author’s Republic works with everyone, which means you can, too! We’re not owned by a retailer, so you are not limited to select channels. This independence—plus our established global distribution network—gives you the ability to earn more than would be possible under an exclusive agreement.

Entirely Independent and Open Platform
Entirely Independent and Open Platform

No Hidden Fees

When you produce or distribute your titles with us, what you see is what you get! We don’t charge an administration fee or sneak in any percentage cuts. We help authors and publishers find the perfect audiobook narrator and deliver your title to platforms around the world. When using The Author’s Republic Studio, the amount you and your narrator agree to is the amount you pay.

Maximize Your Earnings

You’ll receive 70% of royalties earned by your audiobook across over 50 channels, including major distributors—such as Amazon, Audible, Apple, Audiobooks.com, Spotify, and Google—plus library channels, streaming services, and niche startups! Going wide means you reach more listeners and increase your sales.

LIMITED-TIME OFFER: Take home 80% of royalties on audiobooks newly submitted for distribution between May 1st and July 31st! Learn more.

Entirely Independent and Open Platform
Entirely Independent and Open Platform

Set Your Own Price

Instead of using a blanket pricing system, you can set your own MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) for your titles. Note: Some distribution partners control pricing based on the length of your audiobook.

One Account to Rule Them All

Forget managing over a dozen different accounts with individual retailers and trying to remember 12 variations of your password. We display your sales from all sources on a single dashboard and cut you one monthly royalty check—sent directly to your PayPal account (direct deposit is also available to authors with a U.S. bank account).

Entirely Independent and Open Platform
Entirely Independent and Open Platform

Safe and Secure Narrator Payments

When you produce your audiobook through The Author’s Republic Studio, we hold your payment to the narrator safely and securely. Once all parties have delivered their end of the bargain, we transfer the payment to the narrator on your behalf.

Sell from Anywhere

You can distribute your titles through Author’s Republic even if you are based outside of North America. We accept submissions from rights holders all over the globe!

Entirely Independent and Open Platform

How it all started

  • With big dreams of building a better way to do business in the audiobook industry, Author’s Republic + Audiobooks.com + Novel Audio are all born under one roof.
  • Author’s Republic and Novel Audio hit the open road with 6 employees and partnerships with 12 platforms.
  • Authors wanted to get their audiobooks into libraries - so we found a way to make it happen. We have since partnered with 9 library channels distributing to THOUSANDS of libraries worldwide! Our library partners include: Bibliotheca, Divibib, EBSCO, Follett, Hoopla, Mackin, OverDrive, Perma-Bound, and Wheelers.
  • We began building relationships with world class audiobook recording studios for authors in search of the full A to Z audiobook production experience.
  • Gone are the days when music streaming services solely stream music! Podcasts and audiobooks continue growing on streaming platforms so naturally, we had to join in! We’ve partnered with 7 music streaming services including Spotify, Youtube Music, iTunes, Napster, Apple Music, Calm Radio, and Deezer.
  • Our team goes fully remote and planning for The Author’s Republic Studio begins!
  • We joined the RBmedia family, giving us more reach and resources to continue our mission of helping authors make more money from their books!
  • Author’s Republic gets a new look and we launch The Author’s Republic Studio to help authors, publishers, and narrators connect, collaborate, and create professional audiobooks!
  • As an independent audiobook distributor, we’ve built the world’s widest audiobook distribution network. We’ve grown to partner with over 50 platforms, serving thousands of authors and publishers from over 124 countries, delivering content to millions of listeners worldwide!

Are you ready to effortlessly create, launch, and distribute your audiobooks all in one place?