Audiobook Distribution

June 15, 2023

You’ve worked hard to write your book and create the audio version, don’t limit yourself to just the big 3 retailers. Unlock the full potential of your audiobook and sell it everywhere with the most extensive audiobook distribution available! As your sales roll in, you’ll earn royalties across 50+ retailers, library channels, and streaming services.

Our retail and streaming partners offer a wide variety of sales models, including à la carte purchases, subscription options, token-based systems, and streaming services. Our library partners use a combination of two rental methods, the One Copy/One User method and the Cost Per Circ method (CPC). Curious to see a full list of our partners? Take a look here.

When you’re ready to embark on your audiobook distribution journey with Author’s Republic, here’s how you can get started:

1. Produce your Audio Files & Cover Art

Whether you produce an audiobook yourself, choose a narrator from The Author’s Republic Studio, or opt for the managed production option you’ll need an audiobook to distribute!

Whichever option you choose to create your audio files, ensure they meet our audio requirements.

You’ll also need to adapt your cover art to meet audiobook requirements. Learn more about creating your audiobook cover art here.

2. Create a New Audiobook Project

Create a New Audiobook project within your Author’s Republic author account using the “+ New Audiobook” button in the top navigation bar. If you’re bringing your own audio files, you’ll want to choose the “Sell A Completed Audiobook” option.

3. Fill out your Metadata 

Enter all necessary metadata pertaining to your audiobook. That will include details like the title, description, genre, copyright information, and MSRP.

You’ll also need an ISBN. Each format of your book will have its own ISBN, including your audiobook for retail, and for digital library channels. If you don’t already have one for your audiobook, we’ll happily provide your project with FREE ISBNs. Simply leave the ISBN fields blank, and we’ll take care of it for you.

4. Distribution

Upload your cover art and audio files, ensuring that your chapter tracks are in the correct order, then submit your project for distribution.

We’ll deliver your project to over 50 sales channels worldwide, including all the major retailers and streaming services, as well as library channels and niche startups.

It can take anywhere from 5 to 60 business days to be visible on all platforms. We aren't notified when a book goes live so the best way to check is to go directly to the website and type in the name of your book.

Ready to distribute your audiobook to 50+ sales channels? Create an Author's Republic account to get started today!

While you’re waiting for your audiobook to be available everywhere, it’s a great idea to get started on the promotion plan for your audiobook.
Check out some of our blogs to start promoting yourself: